


查看Lightgene™ HL 的使用说明书

查看Lightgene™ BL 与 CL的使用说明书

微奥基因自主研发的HRP(Horseradish Peroxidase) ECL发光底物( 商品名 Lightgen™),用于各种高灵敏度的ECL检测或用于非放射性检测。ECL试剂可以用于WB,分子杂交,EMSA等。有以下三种类型。

Lightgen™HL (Cat#: CHHL100, -050, -020)LightgenHL_dot


Lightgen™ HL的灵敏度很高。用稀释后的HRP酶标抗体打点比较,灵敏度不低于Pierce Femto。适合用于在膜(硝酸纤维素膜, PVDF or 尼龙膜)上的HRP测定。Lightgen™ HL适合用于ECL数字成像仪. 应用范围包括 Western Blotting,Northern/Southern杂交, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)。 Lightgen™ HL能够检出飞克级别的HRP。当本产品用于Western Blotting, 样品量与抗体用量需要进一步减少原用量的1/3 or 1/5。当用于hybridization or EMSA, Lightgen™ HL 的检测灵敏度超过使用放射性同位素磷32或硫35标记探针。 Lightgen_HL






Lightgen™CL & BL (Cat#: CHCL01L, CHBL01L)

Lightgen™ CL 适合于在膜(硝酸纤维素膜, PVDF or 尼龙膜)上的检测HRP的量与活性。Lightgen™ CL适合用于使用X-胶片显示ECL图像,可用于Western Blotting,Northern/Southern杂交, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)。 Lightgen™ CL能够检出纳克级别的HRP。

Lightgen™ BL适合于在液体中(如ELISA)检测HRP的量与活性。Lightgen™ CL能够检出纳克-飞克级别的HRP。


Catalog No/Products Description Pack Price($)
IMGPR003/CoolImager III High resolution Fluorescence & Chemiluminescence Imager set 18200
biMark#-50/CoolShift Complete Non-radioactive Biotin-EMSA kit with probes, 50 assays. 50 assays 442
biMark#-30/CoolShift Complete Non-radioactive Biotin-EMSA kit with probes, 30 assays. 30 assays 295
irMark#-50/IR-EMSA Complete Non-radioactive EMSA with infrared dye-probes, reagents & User Manuals, 50 assays. 50 assays 442
irMark#-30/IR-EMSA Complete Non-radioactive EMSA with infrared dye-probes, reagents & User Manuals, 30 assays. 30 assays 295
gsMark#-50/staining EMSA Kits include non-labeled DNA probes,  EMSA reagents & User Manuals. 50 assays 198
gsMark#-30/staining EMSA Kits include non-labeled DNA probes,  EMSA reagents & User Manuals. 30 assays 129
SIDET111a/CoolShift General non-radioactive EMSA kit w/o probes & trans-membrane 100 reaction 395
SIDET111b/CoolShift General on-radioactive EMSA kit w/o probes & trans-membrane 50 reaction 295
SERV005a/EMSA-PN Nuclear protein extraction kit for EMSA
50 reaction 95
SERV005b/EMSA-PC EMSA Positive Control 5 loading 75
SERV005C/EMSA-NC EMSA Negative Control 10 loading 55
TFRGT105/Poly[dI:dC] A Reagent, Reducing Non-specific Binding 50 reaction 49
TFRGT108/EMSA-Memb Non-radioactive EMSA Transfer Membrane 4 sheets 35
TFRGT104/EMSA-RBuf EMSA Probe/Reaction Buffers 50 reaction 20
TFRGT110/ESA-HRPbuf Streptavidin HRP Incubation Buffer 50 reaction 50
TFRGT103a/EMSA_BBuf Non-radioactive EMSA, Blocking Solution 60ml/bottle 60
TFRGT103b/EMSA_WBuf Non-radioactive EMSA, Washing Sol. 60ml/bottle 40
TFRGT103c/EMSA_EBuf Non-radioactive EMSA, Equilibration Sol. 66ml/bottle 20
SIDET037a/EMSABio50 Non-radioactive EMSA, Biotin-Probe only 50 assays 85
SIDET037b/EMSABioP100 Non-radioactive EMSA, Biotin-Probe 100 assays 120
SERVOO6/EMSA_SCP EMSA Specific Competition Probe 25μL 70
SERV007/EMSA_SSH EMSA Super Shift (Customer provides Abs) each 50
SINP001/EMSA_TNPX Tissue Non-denatured Nuclear Protein Extract 50 samples 95
SERVO16/EMSA_vTNP Service for Tissue Nuclear Protein Extract 80+20*samp. *
SERV017/BEMSA_vCNP Service for cell nuclear protein extract 80+15*samp *
SERV018/EMSA_vbBP Custom Synthesis of Bio-Probe for EMSA 1 pair 136
SINP005/EMSA_ProC Kit for determining nuclear protein Concent. 100mL/bottle 78
SERV004/EMSA_vNPC Customer Service for Nuclear Protein Concentration 65+5* sample *
SINP012/EMSA_preC Pre-treatment for mammalian cells for EMSA 50 samples 120
SERV019/EMAS_cSPB EMSA, Unlabeled Specific Competing Probe 25μL/vial 28
SERV020/EMSA_vcSP EMSA, Unlabeled Specific Competing Probe Synthesis 100μL/vial 45
SERV021/EMAS_cMPB EMSA, Unlabeled Mutated Competing Probe Synthesis 25μL/vial 45
SERV021/EMAS_vcMP EMSA, Unlabeled Mutated Competing Probe Synthesis 100μL/vial 45



